Friday, September 4

First Post... Woo Hoo!

So I have to be honest--this is my first-ever blogging experience. I still have that assignment blog to compose, but until I figure out what to write for that I'll just tell you a little about myself. 

My given name is Kaitlyn Louise Woods; I prefer to be called Kati most of the time. (Note the lack of "e").  I suppose the best generalized statement I can give about myself is that I have so very many interests that I tend to connect with everyone I come into contact with. Here's just a few specific tidbits about me

  • I am a member of a Native American Circle out of Hilham, TN. I can shawl dance, weave dreamcatchers... But I participate mostly for spiritual reasons. And, like everybody from Tennessee, my family has Cherokee origins.
  • I take great pride in my Irish heritage, as well. I enjoy studying everything from myths and traditions having to do with the "fairy folk" to the Emerald Isle's culture today.
  • I love foreign languages. I originally started teaching myself Latin as a homeschool student, but when nobody offered that language at public school I settled for German and discovered the intriguing history behind the throaty resonance of Germans! German is currently my major, but of course is subject to change. My short(ish)-term goal is to teach English as a second language abroad, but in the long-run I'd like to go into Linguistics. I figure after I become fluent in German, I'll pick up Latin again. After Latin, Italian, French, Spanich, Portuguese, AND Romansch should come fairly easily. My dream is to be that know-it-all professional they call to visit recently discovered aboriginal tribes and identify the fundamentals of their unknown language.  I guess all-in-all my love is to communicate.
  • That was a long bullet.
  • I'm all in to peace. I tend to be the little government conspiracy theorist... But in the end peace is about loving everybody unconditionally. Corrupt government official or not.
  • Some people call me a hippie... But I do also have that appreciation for the material world that I just can't shake. For example, lately I've been going through this I-Love-The-Forties phase that's been eating me up. Marilyn, Audrey, Frank, James... all icons. All awesome.
  • I love Renaissance festivals.

Ok, this ended up much more long-winded than I anticipated. Oops... sorry, guys! So yeah I have a lot of different interests. The twisted part is the fact that I feel so passionate about each and every one I have; there's no one reigning favorite hobby. It gets overwhelming sometimes. But anyhoo I've got to skidaddle off to German class... Peace bloggas!

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